Providing of services to population by the bodies of the Ministry of the internal affairs of Ukraine

: 185-189

Vey O. "Providing of services to population by the bodies of the Ministry of the internal affairs of Ukraine"

Administrator of TSC №4641 RSC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Lviv region

The article is devoted to the services provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the population of Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the importance of functioning of power institutions operating in the implementation of the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the Strategy of Sustainable Development of Ukraine - 2020" of 12.01.2015, which provides the basic types of services to the population and their guarantees with respect for human rights regardless of race, color, political, religious and other beliefs, gender, ethnic and social background, property status, place of residence, linguistic or other characteristics. The current normative legal acts of Ukraine differently define the concept of state services, which are the main component of the science of administrative law. Therefore, it is possible to talk about the provision of public services by public authorities with the help of their officials, for whom the provision of services is the basis of their professional activity. European integration is a priority vector of Ukraine's foreign policy, which envisages progress in reforming the activities of civil servants in accordance with the modern European philosophy of public administration, which defines the process of service provision as a key component of the exercise of power in a democratic society

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