Protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen, its inviolability is enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine. Observance and security of the inviolability of a person, as well as protection from physical, psychological violations, compliance with proper material conditions, is provided by the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention and Combating of Domestic Violence”, as well as the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses (Article 173-2) and other regulations. This means that social order has legal support in different social groups of the population and in the family. At the same time, all societies in their essence include a set of individuals who collectively assert certain ideas about the behavior of a person depending on the society in which he lives. Violent behavior of individuals occurs in every society. Any society has solved the problem of violence through its complete elimination. In contemporary Ukraine, violence, including home violence against family members, cannot be restrained and subordinated to the will of the state. It can be explained by the fact that violence has many dimensions. They are manifested in physical acts (threats of physical abuse), in psychological pressure, persecution of a person (threats, insults), in the creation of material difficulties, etc. 156 An explanation of the functioning of society, determination of the level of its development should be based on the results of the struggle with this asocial phenomenon, prevention of violence, state and public control of violence in all its manifestations. The lack of improvement in the fight against domestic violence and its prevention leads to finding new ways of its detection and termination. The success in the fight against domestic violence will be real if the negative conditions and reasons which cause violence are determined. These and other issues will be the subject of clarification of social danger and harm of domestic violence.
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