Marginal behavior as a type of lawful behavior

: 260-269

Yosypiv A., Humin O. "Marginal behavior as a type of lawful behavior"

associate professor of criminal law and criminology of Lviv state University of internal affairs candidate of legal sciences, associate professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article deals with the issues of legal (lawful) and illegal (criminal) behavior in general and marginal behavior in particular. It is proved that the analysis of only one aspect of legal behavior (criminal) did not allow to fully consider all its sides, as well as to determine the main ways to combat offenses. Initially, lawful conduct was only the antithesis of illegal acts and could not reveal all its significance for society. Only in the 80s, the question of lawful behavior began to be studied more deeply. The concepts, significance and types of lawful behavior were defined at that time.

Behavior can be defined as an action or omission caused by the value hierarchy of a person and aimed at meeting his / her specific needs.

Actions can be divided into those that meet the rules and those that do not. If the norm acts as a right, then the actions will be lawful and illegal. Accordingly, we can talk about lawful and illegal behavior. Marginal behavior is characterized by a tendency to illegal behavior. A person's behavior is on the border between lawful behavior and offense.

It is established that the criminal behavior of the marginal environment is based on the following circumstances: the change of the socio-cultural environment does not go unnoticed for the inner world of the person. Values, norms and traditions that are maintained by a person during the change of his / her social status are unnecessary, there is a need, usually forced, to learn new norms and rules of conduct. Feelings of rejection, isolation and uselessness in society, experienced by the marginalized, lead to a refusal to comply with the norms of society and a violation of the norms of law due to the need to meet basic needs. Degradation of the person, based on the development of anti-social attitudes, forms the readiness of the marginalized for criminal behavior.

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