Aggression as a determining factor of illegal human behavior

: 125-130 Victoria Chornopyska. Aggression as a determining factor of illegal human behavior.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article examines the essence of the nature of the phenomenon of aggression and characterizes it as a determining factor of illegal human behavior. Various definitions of the concept of aggression as one of the internal deep-psychological determinants of behavior are considered. It is substantiated that aggression, as a predetermined and socially determined behavior, is inextricably linked with the satisfaction of the basic life needs of an individual. It was established that social, personal and psychological factors play a decisive role in the aggressive behavior of an individual, but not each of them separately or their complex - they act in the context of a complete personality and are in direct connection with a specific life situation. Based on the analysis of scientific theories of aggressive behavior, it can be argued that aggression is the basis of behavioral disorders, including its illegal manifestations.

Theoretical and legal aspects of the analysis of aggression point to the need to study the legal and socio-cultural discourse regarding the understanding of this phenomenon. Carrying out such an analysis definitely requires adherence to the principles of methodological pluralism, which reveals the contradictory nature of human aggression. This diversity made it possible to analyze that legal, social, cultural factors, as well as biological ones, are responsible for anthropological aggression. Such consideration reveals the essence of aggression as a phenomenon determined by various factors of human existence in the world. It was found that these factors impose responsibility both on the individual and on the legal and socio-cultural discourse of the society, which through civil processes and positive law «suppresses» and «cultivates» aggressive behavior and aggressive expression of will.

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