Methods of research of historical and legal reality: the phenomenon of ukrainian national statehood and state legal tradition

Terlyuk І. Methods of research of historical and legal reality: the phenomenon of ukrainian national statehood and state legal tradition

Lviv National University of Veterinary of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after S.Z. Grzycki

Methods of research of the phenomenon of the Ukrainian national statehood and statelegal tradition as historical-legal reality are covered. It is emphasized that the study of this issue should be based on the national-state paradigm, in which the state in general is considered one of the most important means of realizing the sovereignty of the people, and Ukrainian national statehood, in particular, in the context of national traditions of Ukrainian statehood. The methodology of research of national-state processes is represented as a set of used approaches and interaction of several levels of general methodology (the most fully used methods of comparison, generalization, description), general scientific (dialectical, elementary thought operations, eg, analysis, synthesis, induction, induction, etc.) and specially scientific (axiological, hermeneutics, historical-philosophical and historical-genetic, factorial and semantic analysis, systemic, comparative (historical-legal and comparative-legal), structuralfunctional, etc.) methods. The application of the chosen methods is substantiated.

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