Professional and ethical requirements for police activity

Romanova А. "Professional and ethical requirements for police activity"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education

It is established that a high level of ethical requirements, the implementation of universal values in official activities, which reduces the breaches of professional discipline and professional deformation, contribute to the formation of a morally mature person. The population begins to perceive the police not as a “punitive” body, but as one that prevents illegal actions and interacts with the population on a partnership basis. It is emphasized that the most important professional requirement for police activity is respect for and observance of human rights and freedoms. This obligation involves many ethical aspects in the process of its implementation (respect for the detained person; preventing humiliation of human dignity through torture, degrading treatment, neglect; impartial treatment of everyone regardless of religion, political opinion, race, property or other characteristics, etc.). It is proved that the value orientations of the police officer, which were developed during the period of his/her formation as a person (childhood, adolescence, and higher education), first of all, influence the observance of professional and ethical requirements for police activity. It is impossible to acquire high moral and ethical qualities, which will be realized in the professional sphere, instantly after taking the oath. Therefore, psychological fitness tests for police service are important. While determining physical and mental health, it is necessary to establish the moral and psychological stability and formation of the person. It is mentioned that professional and ethical requirements for police activity are a fundamental component of ensuring the principles of the rule of law, activities based on openness and transparency, implementation of preclusive and preventive activities aimed at preventing the commission of offenses, as well as reasonable and lawful measures of response to offenses. Possession of a high ethical culture on a par with professional competencies is a requirement that is ensured in the process of training future police officers.

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