Administrative and legal ensuring the right to housing in Ukraine by citizens

: 77-87

Ostapenko O., Kryzhanovskyi A." Administrative and legal ensuring the right to housing in Ukraine by citizens."

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article considers issues related to the administrative and legal support of regulation of relations in the housing sector and the conditions of realization of the right to housing by citizens of Ukraine. The particular attention is paid to the analysis of the provisions enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine (Article 47) on the right of every citizen to housing, as well as the role of the state in exercising this right by creating conditions: for the construction of housing, for the purchase of housing in the property, for the use of housing in the form of rent [1].

The opinion of T.V. Shapovalova is relevant in terms of content, which, analyzing the well-being of the population among the indicators of qualitative assessment of living standards and well-being identifies its living conditions, the presence of which is one of human needs and indicates the standard of living [2, p. 52-53].

               An analysis of compliance with the principles and implementation of tasks set out in the Housing Code of Ukraine (hereinafter - Housing Code of Ukraine), the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter - KUpAP), the Law of Ukraine “On General State Program of Housing and Communal Services Reform for 2009-2014”, Law of Ukraine “On Housing and Communal Services” and other regulations designed to regulate the relations in the housing sector.

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