Administrative and legal means of protection of rights, freedoms and interests of private persons in the sphere of public management

: 64-69

Melnychenko B. "Administrative and legal means of protection of rights, freedoms and interests of private persons in the sphere of public management."

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law

The article analyzes the administrative and legal means of protecting the rights, freedoms and interests of individuals in the sphere of public management.  It is noted that in the scientific literature there is no stable, comprehensive and generally accepted formulation of public management. It was found that the definition of public management is approached rather from the standpoint of the actual content of activities or forms that it can take. It was found that public management is carried out by a wide range of  subjects of public management - public authorities, local governments, individuals or collective entities that represent the institution of delegated powers. The term "subjects of public management" is used to describe subjects of public administration. It is established that one of the most fundamental types of administrative and legal relations are those that arise between the subject of public management and an individual. It is stated that the universal institution of protection of legally enshrined rights and interests of citizens is administrative proceedings. It is established that an important place in ensuring the violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens is occupied by administrative means of protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of individuals in the sphere of public management.  It was found that in the administrative and legal literature there are: 1) administrative mediation; 2) administrative appeal; 3) bringing guilty officials of public administration to special disciplinary responsibility; 4) compensation for damage caused by illegal actions (inaction) of public administration entities; 5) means of self-defense - legal means of protest. It is noted that their purpose is to restore the violated right, with the prevention of such offenses in the future. They are carried out in an extrajudicial (administrative) manner. It was emphasized that the creation of an effective system of alternative dispute resolution is one of the important ways to improve the justice system of our country.

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