Administrative judiciary at the current stage judicial system reform of Ukraine: problem statement

: 133-139

Huzela N., Huzela M. "Administrative judiciary at the current stage judicial system reform of Ukraine: problem statement."

Institute of jurisprudence, psychology and innovative education, Institute of computer science and information technology Lviv Polytechnic National University student of magistracy
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The problematic issues of reforming the judicial system of Ukraine, in particular, the problem of reforming administrative justice in the context of the development of Ukrainian legislation in accordance with European standards. Particular attention is paid to the study of the purpose of justice in general and the purpose of administrative justice in particular. The author also made an attempt to thoroughly investigate the constitutional and other special principles of the administrative process. It is emphasized that if the purpose of justice in Ukraine is to achieve the desired result, which seeks the subjects of the judicial process, then the purpose of administrative proceedings should be understood to protect the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, the interests of the state and the rule of law. in the administration of justice. Thus, administrative proceedings are a form of judicial administration of justice, which consists in a comprehensive, complete, objective consideration and resolution of administrative proceedings in staged order by the courts of administrative jurisdiction.

The author notes that the development of administrative justice in Ukraine follows in accordance with the basic European standards of administration of justice based on compliance with constitutional and special principles of administrative justice in Ukraine, enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine and the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine. system of administrative justice, the purpose of which is undoubtedly the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms.

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