Again about the serious offense as a circumstance that may cause the occurrence of a state of strong mental excitement

: 167-173

Marysyukm K., Soroka S. "Again about the serious offense as a circumstance that may cause the occurrence of a state of strong mental excitement."

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article is devoted to the analysis of severe resentment as a circumstance that can cause a state of strong emotional excitement.

One of the circumstances that, in the opinion of the legislator, may cause a state of strong emotional excitement, when such a state will be recognized as a sign of the subjective side of the composition of criminal offenses under Art. 116 and Art. 123 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, called a severe insult from the victim. Understanding this concept also provokes various kinds of discussions in the scientific literature. So, first of all, the dispute arises about the criteria for classifying insults as severe. In this regard, we can highlight the following points of view:

1. When deciding on the severity of the offense, only its objective severity should be taken into account. It is necessary to solve it taking into account the generally accepted norms of morality in a certain society;

2. When deciding on the gravity of the insult, both its objective gravity and the subjective perception of its guilt must be taken into account. However, in such cases, some scholars pay more attention to the objective signs of the severity of the image, others - to its subjective perception of guilt;

3. Some scholars suggest that when deciding on the severity of the insult, only its subjective perception of guilt should be taken into account. At the same time, they offer to solve this issue taking into account the individual characteristics of each individual.

In our opinion, the question of what exactly should be understood as a severe insult is being solved correctly by those scientists who consider it necessary to give decisive importance to subjective factors. After all, in some cases, one person's illegal or immoral behavior of another person can cause a state of strong emotional excitement, and in others the same behavior will cause only a simple emotional arousal - it all depends on the individual characteristics of a particular person. Sometimes words can be uttered in a polite tone, but they may have a special offensive meaning that is understandable only to the person to whom the words are addressed. If, in such cases, objective criteria are taken into account when deciding on the gravity of the insult, it will be necessary to conclude that the insult was not serious. However, it seems that such a decision will not take into account the subjective perception of such behavior, which would be completely wrong.

It is concluded that it is impossible to establish an objective criterion for determining whether an insult is severe or not, because the establishment of such a criterion will deny and level in some cases individual characteristics of the perception of insults by a particular person. insult". It must be agreed that this concept may well be replaced by another broader in scope, which will cover the concept of "severe insult", as well as other manifestations of behavior that go beyond conventional communication in society - "illegal or immoral behavior."

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