The article is devoted to the analysis of the principle of justice and its place in the system of principles of sentencing. It is proved that the peculiarity of the principle of justice is that it has a complex character, accumulates all other principles. If they are violated, the principle of justice is violated. It will be unfair to impose a sentence if the requirements for the imposition of a sentence stipulated by the norms of the criminal law are not complied with; if sentencing violates a person’s right to honor and dignity, it will also be unfair; if a person is sentenced based on his or her political beliefs or social status, this is also unfair; sentencing a person who has not committed a criminal offense is a violation of the principle of justice; if the sentencing does not take into account the identity of the defendant, mitigating or aggravating circumstances and other mandatory factors – in this case, in addition to violating the principle of individualization of punishment, the principle of justice is also violated. It was stated that, despite a fairly wide range of research in this area, the issue of the legal mechanism for implementing the principle of fair sentencing has been and continues to be in need of research.
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