Features of notarial proceedings for certification of contracts

: 104-109

Markovych Kh. "Features of notarial proceedings for certification of contracts."

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The basics of the notarial process in Ukraine, in particular scientific views and modern approaches to the problem of legal definition of the notarial process, features of notarial proceedings for certification of contracts are investigated in the article.

Thus, the author determined that the notarial process means the activities of notarial bodies carried out in the manner prescribed by law.

The core of the notarial process is notarial proceedings, which include the actions of the notary, persons who applied to him and persons who assisted the notary in performing notarial acts.

The importance of the notarial procedure is not limited to its functional purpose to be a way of origin, change and termination of legal relations.

The author examines the legal significance of the notarization of the contract and determines the stages of notarial proceedings for the certification of contracts.

The article outlines in detail the list of factual and legal actions performed by a notary at each stage of this notarial proceedings.

Analyzing the features of each type of contract, the author outlines a number of certain preparatory actions or circumstances, the presence or absence of which give grounds to perform a notarial act to certify the contract. However, the actions and circumstances that are mandatory for all types of contracts are also defined.

The article defines the range of actions that must be performed by a notary at the stage of preparation for the performance of a notarial act a certificate of contract, regardless of the type of contract.

The actions of a notary in the next stages of the notarial process depend on the peculiarities of certain agreements, their content, parties, etc.

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