Restoration of violated rights and freedoms of individuals and legal entities is closely linked to their protection and protection, through the implementation of tasks defined in Articles 1 and 9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine, and Article 2 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine, which testifies to the democratic constitutional principles of development of the legal system of Ukraine with the use of administrative and restorative measures.
The current characteristic of the restoration of violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of both individuals and legal entities is directly related to administrative liability. Considering administrative liability as a type of legal liability, which is a set of administrative-legal relations arising in connection with the application of authorized bodies (officials) to persons who have committed administrative offenses under administrative law, special sanctions - administrative penalties [1 , p. 430−431], we note that the state reacts negatively to administrative-tort manifestations of individuals and legal entities and takes legal measures aimed at protecting and restoring violated rights and freedoms. At the same time, a wide range of definitions of administrative responsibility is not directly enshrined in the restoration of violated rights and freedoms. In some cases it is a question of material responsibility of the guilty person as compensation for the caused damage. The peculiarities of the compensatory content of material liability for committed administrative offenses include: 1) provided by Art. 40 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine, the obligation of the guilty person to compensate the property damage caused to the victim (natural or legal person); 2) the right of the court (judge) to apply to a minor who has reached sixteen years of age and has an independent income, and the amount of damage does not exceed one tax-free minimum income, to compensate for damage or their own work to eliminate it [2].
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