Use of the expert's conclusion in the context of the subject of proof

: 313-316
Baranyak V. Use of the expert's conclusion in the context of the subject of proof.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article examines the use of expert conclusion in the context of the subject of evidence,  discusses the content of the conclusion made on the basis of the study, presentation of established  facts and their professional assessment and form of conclusion as an act of expert research, which  in turn led to proposals to replace the concept expert "on the concept of " act of examination "or 

"act of expert research ". 

Emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of the expert's opinion as judicial evidence, which  consists in informing the expert as a participant in criminal proceedings to the investigation and  court in the form prescribed by law of the results of their research, which is conducted on their  behalf application of special knowledge and is essential for criminal proceedings. The content and  form of the expert's opinion are equally important in determining its probative value. 

The article concludes that as the only procedural document containing a description of  research and conclusions about the facts established on the basis of special knowledge, in the  process of proving the proceedings as a whole, the expert opinion is only the initial means of proof.  With regard to the accepted in theory division of evidence into initial and derivative expert opinion  should be considered as initial evidence, which replaces in a particular case of the expert. The  expert's opinion on the basis of the mechanism of formation of factual data belongs to personal  evidence, as its content is a message in the form of conclusions obtained by the expert as a result of  research of certain materials and objects on the basis of specialized knowledge.

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