Peculiarities of the transfer of a juvenile suspect under supervision

: 177-181
Hryb I., Slotvinska N. “Peculiarities of the transfer of a juvenile suspect under supervision.”

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education,

The scientific paper is devoted to the study of a number of peculiarities of transfer of a minor who has committed criminal offenses under the supervision of parents or persons who replace them, or under the supervision of a pedagogical or labor collective at his agreement, and also under the supervision of individual citizens for their request, but to apply this measure of educational character is possible only on condition, when the above-mentioned persons are able to positively influence its behavior, to control and prevent the latest criminal offenses.

This article also highlights the key quantitative and qualitative indicators that characterize the socially dangerous actions of minors. And also the basic criteria of court application to juvenile offender of educational character in the type of transfer under supervision are established.

The tendency of decrease of criminal activity of minors has been shown. For example, over 2 106 teenagers were found to have committed criminal offenses during January-October 2021, and for January-October 2022, these figures totaled 1 096 children. Almost half the last year.

The court practice is analyzed, according to which it is possible to assert that the court, when making a decision on the application to the juvenile event of educational character in the form of transfer under supervision, comes from the provisions of the current criminal legislation, which provides for the duty to carry out procedural actions in order, who does not violate the usual way of life of a juvenile offender and corresponds to the age and psychological peculiarities of the latter.

The analysis of the domestic criminal legislation on the time limits for the consideration of criminal proceedings in such categories of cases and the terms of the measures of educational character to minors has been carried out.

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