State-forming ideology of ukrainian nationalists in the first half of the 20th century

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Vasyliv S., Chaban Y. "State-forming ideology of ukrainian nationalists in the first half of the 20th century."

Educational and Scientific Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article is devoted to issues of state organization, principles and ideology of state building of the future Ukrainian state in the documents of Ukrainian nationalist organizations and the works of the leaders of the OUN in the first half of the 20th century.

The author notes that the first developments of Ukrainian nationalists regarding state building were outlined at the beginning of the 20th century, in particular by S. Nyzhankivskyi at the first Congress of Ukrainian nationalists in 1929, who outlined the main stages of state building, which also depended on the form of state building.

The realities of war, the decisions of the III Extraordinary Great Assembly of the OUN (1943) were the factors that stimulated Ukrainian nationalism of the "regional model" to acquire democratic features. An innovation in the new program of the Bandera residents was the thesis that "the ideal of the new society is a free person", and the future political regime was called first the "new system", later in "Clarifications and additions to the program resolutions..." (1950) - the "democratic system" .

The article also analyzes the views on the foundations of state formation of the new Ukrainian state of such leaders and ideologues of the OUN as S. Bandera, P. Poltava, O. Dyakiv, and P. Mirchuk.

The author emphasizes that one of the most important issues that determined the essence of the state regime was the problem of social equality of citizens of the state. The ideologues of the OUN(b) believed that all people are equal when it comes to the right to intellectual and physical development, education, etc., that is, Ukrainian nationalism created development opportunities for all citizens and did not provide for any unfounded, undeserved privileges. After the war, all groups of the OUN(b) declared that the socio-political system should be built on democratic foundations, which undoubtedly debunks the myths artificially created by enemy propaganda about the basic absolute authoritarianism and totalitarianism of the OUN(b) and the UPA

The author points out that the activity of the OUN was not only a stage of the armed struggle for the independence of Ukraine, but also another period of development of the socio-political, state-legal thought of Ukraine.

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