Requirements to publications


The article should correspond to the subject matter of the journal and modern scientific trends in the field of 081 Law. The main criteria for the publication of an article are its consistency with the real needs of the development of legal science and practice (to contain novelty), as well as the scientific style of presentation (accuracy, logic, conciseness, clarity, consistency, validity, integrity, completeness) of the material and its high scientific level.

The authors of the articles are responsible for the accuracy of the material presented and compliance with national legislation on copyright and related rights. All articles submitted for publication are checked for the presence of borrowed parts of the text (plagiarism). The originality of each article must be at least 80%.

The final decision on the publication of the submitted materials is made by the editorial board of the journal. The editorial board reserves the right to make minor literary corrections to the proposed text and to shorten it while maintaining the author's style.

The following should be submitted to the editorial board

1.       Electronic versions of the manuscripts of articles in compliance with the technical requirements should be submitted to the Editorial Board in electronic form and sent to the e-mail address:

2.       Information about the author in Ukrainian and/or English: surname, patronymic; academic degree, academic title, position, place of work, university, city, country, telephone number and address for receiving a copy.

3.       Postgraduate students submit a review by their supervisor (Doctor / PhD).


1. Language of publication: Ukrainian, English.
2. Students can publish their research papers only with their supervisor.
3. The texts of the articles should be typed in Microsoft Word in accordance with the following requirements:
- Page size: A4 (210x297 mm).
- Indentation: internal – 1.8 cm, external – 2.5 cm, top – 2 cm, bottom – 2.7 cm (mirror fields).
4. Main text: Times New Roman font – size 11. Line spacing – 1. Indentation – 1 cm.
5. The volume of the scientific article together with the annotations in Ukrainian and English and the list of references should be 7-15 pages or 18000-40000 characters (with spaces).
6. It is desirable to submit single-author articles. Co-authorship is allowed with one other person. Exceptionally, an article with 3 co-authors is allowed.
7. One single-author article and one co-authored article can be submitted in one issue.
8. TITLE OF ARTICLE - The title of the article should be brief and informative, typed in capital letters (size 14), p/f. Avoid abbreviations if possible.
9. The sign "©" surname, initials of the author, co-authors, year of publication (© Ivanov I. 2024).
10. Annotations in Ukrainian and English (the total length of all annotations is not less than 1800 characters (with spaces). The abstract should be structured, contain the purpose of the study, the methods used, and the main conclusions obtained.
11. In the text of the article, references to the sources used should be indicated by the serial number separated by two square brackets according to the list of sources (position of the cited publication in the list of references, page, for example [10 p. 16]).
12. The list of references should be entitled "LIST OF REFERENCES" (box 11). The list of references must be formatted in accordance with APA Style (for samples of this format see here:, Each item of literature begins on a separate line.
13. It is necessary to avoid references to sources published in Russian in any country as well as sources in other languages if they are published in the territory of the aggressor state.
14. References to your own scientific works should be minimized.

The publication of articles is free of charge.