Dynamics of enzyme kinetic model under the new generalized Hattaf fractional derivative

: pp. 463–469
Received: December 31, 2023
Revised: June 09, 2024
Accepted: June 11, 2024

El Mamouni H., Hattaf K., Yousfi N.  Dynamics of enzyme kinetic model under the new generalized Hattaf fractional derivative.  Mathematical Modeling and Computing. Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 463–469 (2024)

Laboratory of Analysis, Modeling and Simulation (LAMS), Faculty of Sciences Ben M'Scik, Hassan II University of Casablanca
Laboratory of Analysis, Modeling and Simulation (LAMS), Faculty of Sciences Ben M'Sick, Hassan II University of Casablanca; Equipe de Recherche en Modélisation et Enseignement des Mathématiques (ERMEM), Centre Régional des Métiers de l'Education et de la Formation (CRMEF)
Laboratory of Analysis, Modeling and Simulation (LAMS), Faculty of Sciences Ben M'Sick, Hassan II University of Casablanca

Catalytic action is one of the most important characteristics of enzymes in chemical reactions.  In this article, we propose and study a mathematical model of chemical kinetic reaction with the memory effect using the new generalized Hattaf fractional derivative.  The existence and uniqueness of the solutions are established by means of fixed point theory and, finally, to support the theoretical results, we end the article with the results of numerical simulations based on a novel numerical scheme that includes the Euler method.

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