Question relatives as a design system of mentally structured rights

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T. Harasymiv «Question relatives as a design systemof mentally structured rights»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The thesis explores deviant legal consciousness as a substructural system of mentally structured justice, its features are determined. It was found out that the proactive reflection in the deviant legal consciousness is a structural, spatial configurative relationship of a deviant legal consciousness with a modern transitional social being, during which there is a deviant reflection not only of this marginal legal state of the legal object, but and transgressive tendencies of its development in view of the evolutionary perspectives of non-marginal legal regulation of social relations that exist in the plane of change in the crisis cycle of social activity modern deviant Ukrainian legal consciousness, at least on the first non-crisis, low cycle of social activity.

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