Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

This scientific paper evaluates the activity of collective means of placement as recreational sphere organizations on the basis of statistical data divided into two groups: hotels and similar means of placement and specialized means of placement. This paper focuses on the analysis of the degree of the recreational industry development of Ukraine by means of statistical analysis of the dynamics of the number of CMP by their types and the number of 4 persons placed there during 2014–2016.

The article also analyzes the level of income from the services provided by the CMP. This article highlights the dependence of the number of people accommodated in hotels and similar facilities in 2016 on the level of the service provided on the basis of additional structural units of CMP according to the types of funds and regions. The article deals with the ranking of regions and selecting regions with the largest amount of recreational resources for developing their potential and tourist infrastructure.

Also the authors reveal the incompleteness of the rooms in CMP. Moreover, this paper defines the basic problems of effective functioning of recreational sphere organizations in Ukraine and the ways of its elimination

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