Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Formulation of the problem. The role of a military journalist in wartime is the collection and operational transmission of information on the situation at the front. A journalist is not a military one, he should not take part in the war. The aim of the study. Every year, the need for professionally trained military journalists is growing. In the context of conducting hostilities in many parts of the world, the information space suffers from false war and information warfare. Also, the lack of qualified journalists is the reason for the lack of objective and operational information. So, there are only a few universities in Ukraine that have small theoretical training courses for future military journalists. Presentation of the main research material. If a journalist, after everyday work, goes to the places of hostilities and wears a uniform, he immediately understands his role – to show the situation from the inside. Quite often, military journalists have to deal with the opposite side of the conflict. Enemies themselves can seek and connect with journalists in order to show everything to their side. These can be notes, telephone conversations or video interviews. Such a tendency was observed during the war in Iraq, where terrorists went to Baghdad journalists and asked to record video conversations for the other party. Thus, civilians can hear both sides, their dissatisfaction and the demands of the conflict. At such moments, there is a perilous fear of life and, at the same time, pride due to the trust of journalists on both sides. By satisfying the public’s need for information, the media automatically assumes responsibility for the ethical standards of all published materials. One of the problems of all military journalism is that the journalist should always be impartial and objective, but if you talk to soldiers and feel their emotions, you eat together with one pot, sleep together, then it’s difficult to remain immortal and objective. Though the journalist’s profession involves illumination of dry facts, after such a stay in places of armed conflict, the journalist transmits information through the prism of his own reflections and emotions. It is important not to cross the threshold of ethics in such cases, because incorrect information leads to serious consequences.

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