Features of the Interview in the Program “Randevu” With Yanina Sokolova on the “5 Kanal” and “Larry King Now” on the “CNN”

: 81-87
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The journalism genre is extremely dynamic. It is constantly changing and trying to meet the needs of today’s audience. The interview is a one of the most popular genres of today’s media. This genre can be a method of gathering information for various journalistic material. But journalists were often interviewed as an independent genre.

The interview is a dialogue between two people about socially-important issue. This is the definition of “interview” is given by the different dictionary and Internet resources. Nevertheless, if we analyze the specifics of the interview and how to work with this genre, we conclude that such a definition is incomplete. Therefore, the modern science needs thorough research of this genre to future improve it in the professional field.

Today journalists are composing more and more formats for submissions of the interview. Audiovisual formats have the richest opportunities for attraction the audience. They can use the most tools. There are pictures, audio, emotions, fillings, special effects.

Television interview is a direct contact between the respondent and the viewer. The interviewer is only a mediator in this communication. Through, it is this person play the leading role in the creation successful or unsuccessful interview. After all, the interviewer is not just a microphone stand. He must reveal the hero so that the audience feels like they are related to the respondent.

Many novice journalists believe that the interview is the one of the easiest journalistic genre. But it’s not. Getting recognition through interviews will not work out quickly. This genre requires a lot of work on yourself, the ability to communicate with different people. The interview is a dialog between two people, but it’s not a conversation of two friends. Even if the interviewer knows the respondent well, he must leave all knowledge behind the door. Now a dialogue between two strangers. The only thing, the interviewer is always ready to talk.

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