The article aims to analyze and describe the functioning of verbal adjectives in modern computer terminology (MCT), to find out the difficulties of their formation and to try offering the best models of adjective derivatives in MCT. The topicality of the research consists in the need of accurate morphemic, semantic, conceptual and lexicographical dealing with the adjective terms, indicating the names of the process characteristics.
In MCT, we distinguish the following groups of verbal adjectives:
1) indicating the ability to be subject to a certain action:
а) -овн(ий) (адаптовний, відновний, діагностовний, інстальовний, інтегровний, скасовний, модифіковний). Adjectives and participles differ semantically in MCT as well: інтегровний – the one that you can connect, integrate, build in (indicates a constant passive characteristic), інтегрований – the one that is already connected, built in (indicates the characteristic of the action over a period of time). Participles, pointing out the characteristic of the action, denote the attribute acquired as a result of the action performed on the object. Adjectives indicate a constant attribute of the object. We consider that for the description of the process characteristics capable of being exposed to the action, it is appropriate to use verbal adjectives with the suffixes -овн(ий), -ов(ий).
b) -анн(ий), -енн(ий). Verbal adjectives formed by means of these suffixes from the stem of the infinitive of perfective aspect, denote the ability of an object to be exposed to the action (to perform a passive action) (доповнити – доповненний; наростити – нарощенний, здійснити – здійсненний), as well as -інн(ий) (змінювати – змінний).
2) indicating the ability to be the subject of the corresponding action:
а) -льн(ий) (адаптувальний, запам’ятовувальний, тестувальний, відновлювальний, діагностувальний, інсталювальний, інтегрувальний, скасувальний, модифікувальний) and also -івн(ий) (гальмівний, руйнівний, фільтрівний). Such adjectives clearly show the ability to be the subject of action, they are mainly used to denote the names of technical devices (копіювальний прилад). Recently, in lexicographical sources of MCT, verbal adjectives with the suffix -льн(ий) displace intensively the active present participles, which are not typical of Ukrainian language (кодуючий – кодувальний, компілюючий – компілювальний, поглинаючий – поглинальний, зчитуючий – зчитувальний, копіюючий – копіювальний);
b) some verbal adjectives with the suffix -івн(ий), formed from the imperfective aspect verbs, are able to indicate the characteristic of the subject of the action rather than purpose (формівний). It is emphasized that exclusion of the adjectives with the suffix -івн-(-ивн-) has caused the inability to distinguish between the adjectives denoting active ability (рятівний, коливний, фільтрівний, йонізівний) and those denoting purpose (рятувальний, коливальний, фільтрувальний, йонізувальний) as well as their substitution with participles (фільтрований, йонізований).
Conclusion: 1) the problem of verbal forming of adjectives is a topical issue for MCT; 2) the productivity of derivational models and appropriate formants for creating verbal adjectives is not the same in MCT; 3) the most productive suffixes are -овн(ий), -івн(ий), -альн(ий); affixes -енн(ий), -анн(ий), -уч(ий), -ач(ий) have less derivational activity; and morphemes -ив(ий), -овч(ий), -к(ий) remain in the derivational “reserve” of MCT.