Electrical Power and Electromechanical Systems

UDC 621.311.319.365.372.718:62-503

The journal is the successor of the journal Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University series: "Electrical Power and Electromechanical Systems" 

The journal is intended for scientists and engineers specializing in power engineering and electrical engineering.

Language of publication: Ukrainian, English
Frequency of issue: once a year


The Journal publishes research materials that have not been previously published, have scientific-theoretical and practical significance and are prepared at a high scientific level.  The journal discusses the theory and design of electrical, electrical and electromechanical systems, the creation of their mathematical models, the optimization of such systems by various quality criteria, the construction of digital control systems, issues related to non-traditional methods of electricity generation and special modes of operation  machines, valve electromechanical converters and systems, the results of calculations, experimental and mathematical researches, questions of electric and electromagnetic circuits, experience of operation, adjustment and diagnostics of electrotechnical installations are resulted.


 Subject of the magazine:

  • elements and systems of electric power and electromechanics;
  • automatic control systems;
  • mathematical modeling in power engineering, electromechanics and electrical engineering;
  • theory of electric circuits and fields;
  • training in electrical engineering disciplines.