Instructions to authors

The subject matter of the manuscript should be in consistence with the aim and scope of the Journal and modern science, relevant and not published previously. The author(s) of the manuscript is responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the submitted data and must ensure that the manuscript is original, the conclusions are correct, and the reference list is carefully constructed.

The manuscript should be submitted in Ukrainian or English. An abstract of the manuscript is to be provided. The manuscript should be 5-6 pages (including the two abstracts in Ukrainian and English, tables, figures, references).

The manuscript must include the following sections:

  • Problem statement.
  • Aim and objectives.
  • Topicality of the research.
  • Analysis of recent research and publications.
  • Presentation of the main results of the research.
  • Conclusions.
  • References.

The titles of the sections should be highlighted in bold.

Requirements to the design of the manuscript:

Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word only (*.doc or *.docx), using the specifications below.

A4 page format (210x297 mm); indents: 1.8 cm left, 2.5 cm right, 2 cm top, 2.7 cm bottom; 1.25 cm header, 1.6 cm footer. Page number is inserted in the Footer section, centered.

Main text: Times New Roman, 11pt, 1.1 line spacing, 1 cm first line indent, justified alignment.

Images and figures are inserted in line with the text. Figures are inserted into the text as separate objects. All figures must have legends (Times New Roman, 10 pt, italic, centered) and be numbered. For example, "Fig.1. Function f(x)". 

Tables are inserted into the text as separate objects in МS Excel or МS Word format. Headings must be placed above tables, right justified to the table border, Times New Roman, 11 pt, italic. For example, "Table 1". Title of a table starting from a new line (Times New Roman, 11 pt, bold, centered). Text in a table is Times New Roman, 10 pt, centered.

The manuscript must contain the following items, each starting from a new line:

  1. Surname(s) and initial(s) of the author(s) (in Ukrainian, bold, right alignment).
  2. Place of work of the author / authors (all, after each surname).
  3. Corresponding author’s email address.
  4. The manuscript title (in Ukrainian, capital letters, bold, centred).
  5. An abstract in Ukrainian (1800-2200 characters, italic). The word "abstract" is not required.
  6. Key words (8-10 words in Ukrainian, bold)
  7. Surname(s) and initial(s) of the author(s) (in English, bold, right alignment).
  8. An abstract in English (1800-2200 characters, italic). The word "abstract" is not required.
  9. Key words (8-10 words in English, bold)
  10. Text of the manuscript.
  11. References (10 to 20 entries). Titles in Russian and Ukrainian should be transliterated into English; other non-English titles should be translated into English.

Manuscripts are submitted via e-mail or personally.

The following must be submitted to the Editorial Board:

  • an electronic version of the manuscript.
  • information about the authors (in English or Ukrainian): each author's surname, first name, patronymic (or full name), academic degree, academic rank, position, affiliation, city, country, postal address, corresponding e-mail, and phone number.

All manuscripts are checked for plagiarism.

After the submitted manuscript has been peer-reviewed by the Editorial Board members and received a good review, the authors are informed of the acceptance for publication. The manuscript can also be returned for revision.

References must be numbered in order of appearance in the text.

A bibliography entry starts with the surnames and initials of all the authors; for separating the parts of the bibliography entry it is recommended to use dots.

A bibliography entry should contain the details sufficient to allow the unambiguous identification of the source.

Mixing Latin and Cyrillic letters in bibliography entries (А, О, С, Т, М, Е, Р, Х, В, Н) should be avoided as this makes impossible the correct indexing of the publication and evaluation of citation distributions.

Reference examples (.pdf)154.04 KB