Goal. It lies in the analysis of energy efficiency of one-, two- and three-mass oscillating systems. Significance. Vibration processing equipment is widely used in almost all industries. Simple single- and dual-mass oscillation systems are most commonly used, as there are some difficulties in the design and manufacture of three-mass vibrating machines. These include the difficulty of passing through resonant oscillation peaks at the input and output of working inter-resonance modes due to the Sommerfeld effect, the complexity of calculating and designing a jet mass, which should be fairly light. However, three-mass vibration machines have a considerable dynamic potential when operating in the inter-resonance zone, which directly affects energy efficiency. There is a need again to demonstrate the benefits of three-mass systems, which will give impetus to active research in this area. Method. Based on the technical specification, one-, two- and three-mass inertial mechanical oscillation systems based on unbalance vibration exciter are designed. The required drive power for each of them is calculated. The obtained results are analyzed. Results. It is determined that, due to the inter-resonance modes of operation with high dynamic potential, three-mass oscillating systems are much more energy efficient than one- and two-mass ones. This confirms the need for further studies of such oscillatory systems with a view to their widespread introduction into production. Scientific novelty. The energy efficiency of three-mass inter-resonance oscillation systems with inertial drive compared to one-and two-mass ones has been confirmed. Practical importance. The results give impetus to the active research, calculation, design and implementation of three-mass vibration machines as technological equipment at the enterprises of different industries.
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