Updating the international paradigm of regulation of using drug: towards the problem

: 83-88

Y. Turiansky "Updating the international paradigm of regulation of using drug: towards the problem"

member of the NKR Constitutional Court of Ukraine

The article is devoted to analyzing the need to update the paradigm of legal regulation of drug use in the context of emerging global challenges and new generation human rights. The international framework for combating drug trafficking, in particular the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, and the United Nations Convention against Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, has been analyzed. It is pointed out that today many scholars and representatives of international NGOs deny a harsh criminal-repressive approach. They argue that international drug control treaties directly contribute to this risk environment and human rights abuses, as well as a whole group of scholars argue about the ineffectiveness of current anti-drug enforcement measures and the ineffectiveness of international institutional measures. It is stated that the Institute for International Counteraction to the Proliferation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Drugs at the International Level has been active for almost half a century, and includes both regulatory and institutional counteraction. Therefore, methodological approaches to the problems of legal regulation of drug use are being updated. Today, there are two problems that have no clear answer in international law: the interaction of the prohibition on drug use, precursors and psychotropic substances with the absolute right to human health, the right to human dignity in terms of pain relief for suffering persons (the right to use drugs in medical purposes); the possibility of legalizing drug use for personal purposes.

The resolution of these issues has now been submitted to the consideration of the national policy of the individual state. This position is not effective, at least in view of the fact that the mass drug trafficking industry is cross-border. Good international standards have always provoked the emergence of not only unified, but also effective, national legislation, which has been tested by the positive experience of progressive states.

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