The article covers the results of sociological research in “TSN” news programs on the TV channel “1 + 1” in 2019. Since TV continues to be one of the main sources of information on events in Ukraine and in the world for the vast majority of Ukrainians, it has a significant impact on the formation of public opinion on socially important events. Therefore, it is essential for the media to comply with the requirements for the dissemination of sociological information. Unbiased and accurate sociological information helps the audience to interpret the research findings properly.
The paper examines the specifics of sociological data coverage on television and clarifies the standards for the presentation of sociological information in the media. The features of the “TSN” program journalists’ work on sociological data are also considered, first of all, compliance with such requirements, as: indication of the name of the organization that conducted the sociological survey, clear formulation of questions, specifying the customer of the survey, the territory in which the survey was conducted, the time of its conducting, the volume and the way of formation sociological sample, the margin of the possible statistical error, the method of the survey, the publication of the results of the research.
Compliance with the requirements for presenting sociological information will help TV viewers to adequately perceive the polls results. Sociological information in the media informs and guides the audience. By providing such information, it is possible to focus the public attention on certain issues related to elections, evaluate programs and politicians’ activity, and influence voter behaviour. In the context of information support to citizens, sociological information in the media is of great importance for understanding the processes taking place in the country. So, television is a considerable means of protecting national interests and strengthening statehood.
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