Analyzing GIS technologies` products for strengthening the tourist attractiveness of the destination and research of possibilities of GIS-technologies at the formation of a tourist product is the purpose of this work. The relevance of this study lies in the need to apply innovative approaches to GIS technologies` usages in the development of national tourism products. The research methodology is based on the application of the statistical method of data processing, the cartographic method of research with the use of GIS, and the method of spatial analysis. General scientific, systematic and informational approaches are also used. The results of the study are an analysis of existing products of GIS technologies and the state of their implementation in tourism, the study of interactive maps and geoportals as tools for the successful solution of problems in the modern tourism sector. It has been found that geoportals significantly help to form a national infrastructure of geospatial data. In the publication I consider two levels of GIS implementation: national and regional. I gave vivid examples of newly created national geoportals and tourist geoportals of the regions of Ukraine, interactive maps of amateur tourists. I considered in more detail the development of GIS technologies` products of such a tourist destination as the Chernihiv region. In particular, as an example, an overview of one of the most functional in Ukraine geoportals - The Geoportal of the urban cadastre of the Chernihiv region is given. A thematic tour of the Chernihiv region was projected with the help of GIS. The scientific novelty of this study is identifying the features of the use of cartographic research methods, especially GIS technologies to study the tourist resources of the territory, the creation of new regional tourism products. I propose to use the method of spatial analysis in the creation of the thematic tour. The practical significance lies in the use of GIS technology products to create cartographic products, such as maps, series of maps, atlases, 3D models, virtual tours. Its help to study in detail the tourist objects of the region contribute to management decisions, and further development and promotion of tourism. The database created during the study can be used to form other types of tourism products. The proposed method of using spatial analysis in the creating of the tour can be useful for expanding the GIS technologies` field of usage.
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