In 1938, first geophysical manual „A brief course of applied geophysics” was published in the USSR. V.A. Selskiy was indicated as the author. Despite a high scientific level of its contents the book was never referred to in later geophysical publications. It can’t be found in libraries and is not known to geophysicists. The book was not even mentioned in the V.A. Selskiy’s obituary, which contained a list of his publications. The book’s oblivion and the ambiguity regarding its author induced the current investigation. It has been found out that a later fate of V.A. Selskiy, who was arrested during a full swing of a „terror of NKVD against Glavneft”, turned out more fortunate as that of his book: he became later a Ukrainian Academician whereas all printed copies of the book were destroyed so that it is lost and known to nobody: habent sua fata libelli.
1. Gamburcev G.A. Sejsmicheskie metody razvedki. – M.-L.: ONTI, 1938.
2. Girin S.K., Popov A.A. Osnovy gravimetrii. – L.: KUBUCh, 1932.
3. Maksymchuk V.Iu., Liashchuk D.N., Vovchenko R.H., Kuznetsova V.H. Akademik V.O. Selskyi – osnovopolozhnyk ukrainskoi heofizyky //Prezentacija, L'vov, 2012.
4. Sedov B.M. Neizvestnaja kniga akademika Ukrainy Vladimira Aleksandrovicha Sel'skogo // II Mezhdunarodnaja konferencija.: „Geoinformatika: teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty” 13-15 maja 2013, Kiev, Ukraina.
5. Sel'skij V.A. Bol'shaja biograficheskaja jenciklopedija. IDDK. M.: BezenSoft, 2005. DVD.
6. Sel'skij V.A. Kratkij kurs prikladnoj geofiziki. – M.-L.: ONTI NKTP SSSR, 1938. – 308 s.
7. Spravochnaja kniga geofizika-razvedchika / Gl. red. S.K. Girin. – L.-M.: ONTI NKTP SSSR, 1935. T. 1. – 376 s.
8. Sorokin L.V., Uryson V.O., Rjabinkin L.A. i dr. Kurs geofizicheskih metodov razvedki neftjanyh mestorozhdenij. – M.: Gostoptehizdat, 1950.
9. Subbotin S.I. Poteri nauki. Pamjati Vladimira Aleksandrovicha Sel'skogo // Mineralogi-eskij sbornik L'vovskogo geologicheskogo obshhestva, 1951. № 5. – S. 375-376.
10. Hronograf // Neft' Rossii, 2012. №№ 1-12.
11. Shel'f dlja Rossii. Razvedku vedut geofiziki. „Dal'morneftegeofiziki”. Juzh.-Sahalinsk, 2010. – 96 s.
12. Gutenberg B. Lehrerbuch der Geophysik. Berlin: Gebruder Borntrager, 1928.
13. Heiland C.A. Exploration geophysics. N.Y.: Prentice – Hall, 1940.