The driving force of legal conditions of dignity

: 49-55

Shcherbai I. "The driving force of legal conditions of dignity"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The legal conditions for the fulfillment of human dignity in relationships are one of the most important issues today. It is during relationships that people have many conflicts, and then we should not forget about their moral values, among which is human dignity. The legal conditions of human dignity are the duties and orders that a person must carry out. First of all, God imposes responsibilities on us, and then the state in the form of laws, regulations. Namely, the legal conditions of human dignity are manifested in the dignified performance of their official duties. For example, when a judge makes a decision, it must be dignified and fair, and when a person performs his or her duties, he or she must perform them with dignity and in accordance with the law. Dogmas can also be considered an important element of human dignity in relationships. After all, it is thanks to them that we trust people more, which is also important in relationships. Therefore, the implementation of ontological and legal dogmas is important in human relationships, because people need to trust each other more. However, nowadays trust is a very rare phenomenon. For the most part, we can trust our family, and most people are not sure. Duties can be divided into two groups. The first group includes responsibilities that a person gives of his own free will, among them may be the vow of marriage, the duty of a doctor to help the sick, and so on. The second group includes responsibilities that do not depend on the will of individuals, such as military service and so on.

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