Values of human rights and freedoms in the realization of human dignity

: 128-136

Shcherbai I. "Values of human rights and freedoms in the realization of human dignity"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

Human freedom has been evolving over the centuries, so it is quite ambiguous and does not stand still, and is still a topical issue for many scientists. There are many different divisions and definitions of freedom, and each is somewhat interesting and relevant. But freedom is the value of man, which is given to him by God and through which man can act of his own free will, without succumbing to circumstances. The value of rights and freedoms is currently a very relevant topic, as most of our rights and freedoms are limited due to certain material and spiritual values. After all, working at work or in any structure, we often can not do as we see fit, we are always over people who control our actions and behavior in certain life situations. We cannot always use our freedom to the fullest because of certain spiritual and moral convictions. The natural state in which people lived is a very interesting example for today's society. After all, once people had unlimited freedom and were equal. There were no poor or rich, everyone had the same opportunities, and today's people have forgotten their beginnings. Although people once did not have laws, rules that limited their freedom, but they were able to express freedom from the heart, today's society has something to learn and strive for. It should be emphasized that freedom in its understanding is not associated with impunity and permissiveness, but on the contrary sets certain legal limits according to which the individual must act. Only when people can understand the true meaning of freedom will we be able to enhance their legal culture and legal understanding. To do this, the public services can create some legal advice to make people more legal.

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