The paper analyzes the methods and ways for the redundancy of renewable energy sources (RESs) instability in electric power systems (PS). It is shown that these can be maneuverable capacities, in particular, thermal and hydropower plants, accumulators, hydrogen technologies, biogas plants. It is substantiated that, for various reasons, for the RESs to be developed and their capacity to be increased in power systems, electrochemical accumulators and highly maneuverable capacities existing in the PS are the most prepared for implementation. Mathematical models based on similarity theory and the criterion method have been developed for them. This approach is preferable due to the fact that with the minimum available information, it provides the opportunity to compare different ways of compensation of RESs generation instability, to assess their proportionality, as well as to determine the sensitivity of costs to the capacity of the redundancy methods. Criterion models which allow us to design dependences of the costs for the redundancy of RESs generation instability on the capacity of electrochemical accumulators, on the capacity of the system reserve, as well as on the capacity of power lines have been formed. Such dependencies make it possible to more reasonably choose certain methods of redundancy in accordance with the characteristics and requirements of PS.
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