Property of ukrainian statehood: establishment of state traditions in the context of periodization of the history of the state and law and the formation of the ukrainian ethnos (nation)

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Terlyuk I. "Property of ukrainian statehood: establishment of state traditions in the context of periodization of the history of the state and law and the formation of the ukrainian ethnos (nation)."

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education

The issues of establishing Ukrainian state traditions as one of the forms of self-identification of the people in the context of periodization of the history of the state and law and the formation of the Ukrainian ethnos (nation) are covered. The consequences of the establishment of Ukrainian state traditions from the Middle Ages to modern times are traced.

It is emphasized that the foundations of the state traditions of Ukrainians were laid during the Ukrainian medieval state formation. In particular, in the days of ancient Kievan Rus, through the adoption of Christianity by Prince Volodymyr, the civilizational choice of the Ukrainian people was determined and the foundation of its legal and political culture was laid. It is emphasized that the Kyiv-Russian state is also an important stage of Ukrainian ethnogenesis, later nation-genesis. It is emphasized that since the time of the Galicia-Volyn state Ukrainians have finally established themselves in the European vector of development, and as part of the Lithuanian state Russian (Ukrainian) lands developed in fact on the basis of Russian tradition of government, legal system, culture and life. It is established that the Ukrainian Cossacks, on the one hand, played the role of the foundation in the formation of a new "Cossack" Ukrainian nation, and on the other took the place of the main social base and leader of the mass movement for political self-determination of Ukrainians. It is proved that the legal system of the Rus-Ukraine era laid the legal foundations of Ukrainian statehood. Its personification "Russian Truth" regulated socio-political, moral and legal relations for several centuries and laid the foundation for the Lithuanian Statute and the further development of the law of the Hetmanate. It is argued that under the unfavorable geopolitical situation for the Ukrainian lands during the "long" nineteenth century. Ukrainians tried to self-organize national state life, looking for appropriate "compensatory substitutes" for a kind of substitute for national statehood. It is motivated that the idea of belonging of the Ukrainian people to the European civilization space should be considered as an important factor of national self-identification of Ukrainians at this time.

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