The article deals with issues related to the administrative and legal protection of the cultural heritage of Ukraine in modern conditions. In particular, it was noted about the nature of administrative-delict violations, manifested in illegal actions or inaction, both intentionally and carelessly, causing damage to important places that characterize the history of the development of society and the state, structures, complexes (ensembles), their parts, territories and water objects on which objects of underwater culture and archaeological heritage are located, preserved and protected, natural and man-made objects, regardless of the state of preservation, which have brought to our time value from archaeological, aesthetic, ethnological, historical, architectural, artistic , scientific or artistic point of view and have preserved their authenticity.
It is noted that for encroachment on public relations in the field of nature protection, use of natural resources and protection of cultural heritage, violators are subject to administrative and criminal liability. The analysis of administrative liability for violation of the legislation on the protection of cultural heritage testifies to its importance in both material and procedural aspects. The presence of encroachments on objects of cultural heritage requires not only their definition, but also a comprehensive and comprehensive administrative and legal characterization of illegal actions or inaction aimed at achieving a socially dangerous and harmful result.
It was concluded that a comprehensive approach in the application of the norms of administrative law that regulate relations in the field of cultural heritage protection will contribute to: more meaningful regulation of relations in the field of cultural heritage protection; ensuring effective law enforcement of norms by authorities (officials) authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses committed in the field of cultural heritage protection; increasing the role and importance of preventive influence on the possible tortious behavior of persons in the field of cultural heritage protection.
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