Honor and dignity of a person: the issue of criminal law protection

: 188-195

Humin O. “Honor and dignity of a person: the issue of criminal law protection.”

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article indicates that the honor and dignity of a person is an important factor and an integral component of his constitutional rights and freedoms. Starting from antiquity, in many normative legal acts such as Roman law, Digests of Justinian, the legislation of Kievan Rus, and other European states, the desire to protect the rights, honor and dignity of privileged social classes, and later also of free people, through the legislative policy of the state, can be traced. Encroachment on human right, honor and dignity was considered a crime, a misdemeanor and was punishable by a fine or even death. 

With the further development and improvement of socio-economic, legal, cultural-religious and other relations, the person's awareness of his social significance and value as an individual is gaining more and more importance. The article emphasizes that the right to protect the honor and dignity of a person and a citizen is enshrined in a number of legal acts of Europe and other countries. Moreover, the emphasis is not only on the protection of individual rights, but also on the strict prohibition of torture and inhuman punishments, which act as humiliation his honor and dignity, as well as a significant expansion of his/her legal protection in all spheres of social life.

In the current legislation of Ukraine, and first of all in the Fundamental Law, the Criminal Code of Ukraine and other normative legal acts, attention is focused on protecting the honor and dignity of a person.

It is elucidated that in the modern criminal law of Ukraine and the existing legislation, priority is given to the protection of honor and dignity not to a natural person, but to a legal entity, and the existing legal norms are imperfect in terms of compensation for moral damage to a victim who has suffered humiliation and abuse of his honor and dignity.

It is established that the dialectic of the relationship between a natural person and a legal entity confirms the truth that the more a natural person is protected by law, the more he will contribute to the progressive development and functioning of state structures and government bodies, strengthening the authority and power of the state.

The article focuses on the fact that in the modern civilized world, the humanistic philosophy of protection of inalienable natural and constitutional human rights is actively making its way, the emphasis of which is aimed at the humanization of modern criminal and criminal procedural law.

It is stated that an important principle of criminal law of Ukraine is the rule of law, equality of citizens before the law, legality, justice, humanism.

Based on the principle of humanism, the Criminal Code of Ukraine ensures the protection of a person, his life, health, integrity and safety as the highest social value. In its aspiration for full membership in the EU, Ukraine strictly adheres to European legal standards, moral and ethical norms in its criminal policy, which requires further improvement of its criminal and criminal procedural legislation aimed at maintenance of human rights and freedoms, protection of human honor and dignity.

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