Requirements for materials

Abstract should be prepared in *.docx, *.doc format.

File name should contain the presenter’s name (e. g. Kovalenko_abstract).

Page layout: single A4 page, page margins are: 20 mm top, 30 mm left, 1,5 mm right, 20 mm bottom, without pagination. Font – Times New Roman, 12 pt, single space.

Abstract should be prepared as follows:

  • the title: capital letters without hyphenation, bold, aligned to the center of the page;
  • authors’ names (the presenter’s name – underlined, italic);
  • authors’ affiliations;
  • е-mail;
  • after one space, the main text: alignment – justify, paragraph first line – 12,5 mm.

Figures, schemes, formulas and tables should not exceed the margins.

In case of significant deviations from the recommendations the organizing committee reserves the right to edit the abstract text.