The startup industry of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization challenges

: pp. 189 - 202
Lviv Polytechnic National University Management and International Business Department
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article examines the peculiarities of the development of the startup industry in Ukraine before the full-scale Russian invasion. The authors analyzed the impact of the war on the start-up industry of Ukraine in the context of globalization challenges, identified negative, and also found positive consequences of the influence of military and political factors on the local start-up industry. The results of the research on the topic of the work made it possible to propose possible scenarios for the future development of domestic startup activity, to analyze the prospects and directions of the development of the national startup industry in the post-war period of Ukraine.

One of the main challenges for startups in Ukraine due to the military and political situation is a decrease in investor confidence. The low level of investment is one of the main reasons limiting the development of the startup industry in Ukraine. The loss of investor confidence can be related to many factors, such as the instability of the economic and political situation, a low level of legal protection and corruption.

Another challenge is the decrease in investments in startups due to the loss of the country’s ability to solve problems related to infrastructure and market regulation. Military and political conflicts lead to a decrease in funding from state structures, as well as to a loss of interest of private investors in investing in the Ukrainian startup industry.

In addition, military and political events lead to the application of restrictions in the sphere of trade and international cooperation, which can complicate the development of startups that seek to attract investments from other countries.

As for the positive aspects, the study showed that crisis situations become an incentive for the development of startup companies and contribute to the formation of new innovative ideas and approaches, especially in areas related to security, medicine, communications, logistics and other areas to which startups are forced to adapt in new conditions.

In general, the conducted research made it possible to draw conclusions that the military and political events in Ukraine had a significant impact on the development of the startup industry. However, the corresponding impact can be both positive and negative, depending on the specific circumstances and specifics of the industries. For the effective development of start-up companies in Ukraine in the conditions of globalization, it is necessary to take into account the consequences of military and political events and look for ways to adapt and improve the conditions of their activity. Such ways are proposed to include the strengthening of state support for startups, the use of new innovative formats, the development of partnerships with global accelerators and incubators, the use of outsourcing and other new tools aimed at supporting and stimulating the development of the startup industry.

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