Establishment of environmental responsibilities of humans and citizens: international standards

: 145-150

Bek U.
"Establishment of environmental responsibilities of humans and citizens: international standards"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article identifies and analyzes international standards for the formation of environmental responsibilities of man and citizen, in particular the preconditions and conditions for their formation, the main stages of their development and features of consolidation at the legislative level. It was found that the institution of environmental responsibilities as a holistic entity is characterized by unity of content, which is expressed in general provisions, legal principles or a set of legal concepts used, the unity of the legal regime of regulated social relations. As a result, the institution of environmental responsibilities is unique, performs only its inherent functions and is not duplicated by other structural components of the legal system. The analysis of international legal acts on environmental protection revealed a rather "late" recognition of environmental rights and responsibilities in the system of human and civil rights and their official enshrinement first in international and then in national legislation.

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