Information technologies for ensuring protection of intellectual property rights: administrative and legal aspects

: 191-198

Citation APA: Malets M. (2024) Lnformation technologies for ensuring protection of intellectual property rights: administrative and legal aspects. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 11, No. 1(41), Pp. 191-198.

assistant of the department of administrative and information law Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and Psychology Lviv Polytechnic National University

Abstract. The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of technologies designed to protect intellectual property rights. The scientific basis for the study of information technologies for ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights is analyzed.

Attention is paid to the close connection between the development of information technologies and challenges to the protection of intellectual property. This issue is considered in the context of administrative and legal aspects of such protection. The author formulates proposals aimed at improving administrative and legal acts in the area under study.

The trends in the development of intellectual property law are analyzed, revealing a range of directions for its further advancement, notably expressed in the processes of globalization of legislation and the transition from protecting rights fixed on material carriers to protection of information. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the transfer of modern technologies is one of the main avenues for the creation and utilization of intellectual property, which is also provided for in international legal acts.

The stimulation of creating fundamentally new technologies and developments, along with their broad industrial utilization, greatly depends on a systematic approach to structuring the strategy for the development of the national innovation system. This system integrates fundamental scientific research and the commercialization of their results, employing legal mechanisms for the circulation of property rights over intellectual property objects.

Particular attention is paid to the legal regime of blockchain protection. Attention is drawn to the complexity of legal protection of the blockchain, which consists of both information and intellectual property. It is indicated that this object is a system for recording, storing and processing information and a technology for performing actions in the digital environment. It is proved that blockchain is a value associated with objects with exclusive rights and has the ability to issue invoices. It is emphasized that blockchain can be considered within the framework of the Law on Information - as an information product in the form of a document containing information.

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