The article explores the legal policy of innovation and intellectual property. The necessity of innovative development of Ukraine as one of the main factors of socio-economic development is substantiated. The approaches to defining the essence of the category of innovative activity are analyzed and the problems of legal regulation of innovative deliberation in the context of intellectual activity while ensuring the innovative development of the country and regions are identified. The essence of the legal policy concerning the activation and development of the innovative component of the national economy has been clarified. The content of the main normative documents on the implementation of innovative activity for the presence of legal motivational tools of activation is analyzed. The main motivational tools that can be used to improve the effectiveness of the current legislation are systematized. It is emphasized that the enhancement of the legal culture regarding intellectual property rights, protection of intellectual property rights can be ensured in the process of innovation. The directions of legal policy aimed at activation of innovative development through the development of protection and protection of intellectual property as a component of innovative activity are outlined. It is emphasized that the innovation policy is a component of socio-economic and legal policy aimed at stimulating intellectual activity, creates preconditions for the effective development of the innovation system of the state. Law is an instrument of regulation of social, in particular economic relations. The effectiveness of law in regulating economic relations also depends on how fully it reflects the economic needs of society. It is pointed out that the legal policy in the field of innovation is designed to combine public and private interests can be expressed in the following forms: law-making policy; policy of realization of the right; policy of interpretation of law; legal education policy; law enforcement and human rights policy. Instead, law-making policy in the field of innovation is a scientifically sound, consistent and systematic activity of public authorities, local governments, civil society institutions to create the necessary legal conditions for effective innovation through the development and adoption of regulations in the field of innovation development. At the same time, the policy of implementation of the law in the field of innovation is a scientifically sound, consistent and systematic activity of public authorities and local governments, non-governmental organizations to create a legal infrastructure for the implementation of intellectual property rights.
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