intellectual property

Information technologies for ensuring protection of intellectual property rights: administrative and legal aspects

Abstract. The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of technologies designed to protect intellectual property rights. The scientific basis for the study of information technologies for ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights is analyzed.

Protection of computer software in the copyright system

Software development in recent decades has demonstrated a pace of change not seen since the Industrial Revolution. Software affects almost every aspect of human life in all parts of the world. From an intellectual property rights perspective, discourse and debate focus not only on how software should be protected, but also on a host of issues that reflect the many aspects that software plays in the digital distribution of creative content.

Establishment and development of legislative regulation of industrial designs as objects of intellectual property law in Ukraine

The article analyses the coverage of topical issues of formation and development of legal protection of industrial designs. The author analysed the legal regulation of the studied relations and identified the main stages of its development. The purpose of this article is a legal analysis of the provisions of the legislation of Ukraine regarding the formation and development of the legal regulation of industrial designs, the definition of debatable legislative provisions and the expression of proposals for the improvement of the relevant legal regulation. Research methods.

Characteristics of administrative and legal regulation of intellectual property : genesis of development

The article is dedicated to a comprehensive study of theoretical and practical issues of administrative and legal regulation of Intellectual Property (IP) as the main element of innovative activity. A particular research has been conducted into the scientific background of administrative and legal regulation of intellectual property. 

Problems of the Intellectual Property Richgs Protection in the Media

The paper examines the main types of intellectual property rights, which might be violated in the media space (Internet, radio, TV, press).
In today’s world, the media has long been a major source of information. As the amount of information in the media increases, so does the amount of intellectual property involved. The most fundamental form of intellectual property protection technology is the control of access to information (ie determining whether the requester is allowed access to information).

Problems and Prospective Ways to Increase the Volume of Export of Scientific Services by Ukraine in the Conditions of European Integration

Abstract — the interpretation of the concept of “knowledge-intensive services” by domestic and foreign specialists is considered. The content of the category has been clarified. Data on exports of knowledge-intensive services in Ukraine and the G7 countries in recent years have been studied. The analysis and comparison of structural shares of knowledge-intensive services in the total export of the country is carried out. Data on the number of employees in the field of knowledge-intensive services were studied.

Legal policy in the field innovation and intellectual property

The article explores the legal policy of innovation and intellectual property. The necessity of innovative development of Ukraine as one of the main factors of socio-economic development is substantiated. The approaches to defining the essence of the category of innovative activity are analyzed and the problems of legal regulation of innovative deliberation in the context of intellectual activity while ensuring the innovative development of the country and regions are identified.

The rights of intellectual property to scientific-pedagogical activities and their protection

The article deals with the situation in the field of intellectual property in Ukraine, discloses the concept of objects of intellectual activity and copyright, justifies the need to protect the intellectual activity of scientific and pedagogical workers, outlines further trends in the protection of received results of intellectual activity, proposed the creation of an effective system of legal regulation of intellectual activity scientific and pedagogical workers.