A multi-level structure of safe intellectualization of society’s infrastructure “objects – cyber-physical systems” in the functional space “selection – exchange of information – processing – management” is proposed according to the profiles – confidentiality, integrity, availability for “smart environmental monitoring”, “smart education”, “smart energy”, “intelligent transport system” and other subject areas.
The multi-level structure “objects – cyber-physical systems” of safe intellectualization is revealed by the paradigm “multi-level cyber-physical system – multi-level information security”, which is the basis for building complex security systems of technologies of physical space, communication environment and cyberspace.
A hierarchical model of Internet of Things security is built based on a three-layer architecture and the concept of “object – threat – protection”. The complex security model of the wireless communication environment of cyber-physical systems for segments of the intellectualization of society’s infrastructure is analysed. The presented methodology of safe processes of intellectualization allows the implementation of complex security systems of technologies for the functioning of society's infrastructure objects.
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