Ukrainian National and Legal Idea: Today`s Challenges

: 73-81

Цитування за ДСТУ: Коваль І. (2024) Українська національно-правова ідея: виклики сьогодення. Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: "Юридичні науки". Том. 11, № 3 (43), С. 73-81. DOI: 

Citation APA: Koval I. (2024) Ukrainian National and Legal Idea: Today`s Challenges. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: “Legal Sciences”. Vol. 11, № 3 (43), С. 73-81. DOI: 

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, Навчально-науковий інститут права, психології та інноваційної освіти

It was found that the Ukrainian national-legal idea is the driving force for the preservation and
development of Ukrainian identity and statehood based on social and legal ideals, which are formed through the
value beliefs, attitudes and orientations of conscious, socially active citizens.
Todays challenges for the national-legal idea of ​​Ukrainians are, first of all, Russias military aggression,
when the enemy disregards all international and general civilizational rules of human coexistence and tries to
destroy our identity, sovereignty and independence. The challenge is not simply the preservation of Ukrainian
identity, but, in fact, democracy in the center of Europe.
It was emphasized that it is important, despite complex social, political, economic and legal realities, to
form a holistic understanding and perception of citizens from an early age, themselves and their nation,
traditions, customs, culture as the highest value of national self-identity and the basis of self-affirmation of a
person. Today poses new challenges for Ukraine. Challenges, perhaps the most extensive in the history of the
modern development of our state, which are connected not only with the threat to our national identity, but also
with the physical destruction of Ukrainians.
We are choosing the right to life and our own thousand-year history in the twenty-first century, in the
center of Europe. In these challenges of Russias war against Ukraine, it is important to preserve our national
values, ideals, and ideas, because it is precisely them that the enemy is fiercely destroying, trying to erase our
history and the future of Ukrainians.
It is noted that the legal ideology, as a component of the legal idea, personifying the law and its essence,
establishes the principles of democracy, equality and justice as the main directions of the development of the
state and society. Today, we observe Ukrainians realizing the value of the legal ideology of our state, which is
aimed at recognizing, observing and realizing the rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen, at the
development of a democratic society and a social and legal state. Citizens realized that these are not empty words
and that these factors determine the vector of development of our society.
Attention is focused on the fact that legal ideology, as a component of the legal idea, personifying the law
and its essence, consolidates the principles of democracy, equality and justice, together with the national idea, it
accumulates national values, progressive initiatives.

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