Obtaining and Studying Promising Types of Natural Sorbents for Modifying Mineral Fertilizers

: pp. 652 - 662
Scientific-Research Institute of Mineral Fertilizers and Pigments of Sumy State University
Research Institute of Mineral Fertilizers and Pigments of Sumy State University
Scientific-Research Institute of Mineral Fertilizers and Pigments of Sumy State University
Limited liability company “CROP-INCREASE”
Lviv Polytechnic National University

This article discusses the production of high-performance fertilizers with promising modifiers. A study of various types of sorbents has shown that the nanoporous structure allows controlling their dissolution in the soil and reducing nutrient losses and greenhouse gas emissions into the environment. Experiments were conducted to produce biochar from various organic raw materials by pyrolysis. The microporous structure of the obtained biofuel samples was studied by scanning microscopy with elemental microanalysis. The results of agrochemical studies showed that fertilizers are responsible for increasing the amount of biomass by 61.22-66.6%, and the influence of biomass was less, but significant, and amounted to 19.77-22.6%.

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