: 128-131
Lviv polytechnic national university, Department of Architecture and Conservation
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Architecture and Conservation
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Architecture and Restoration

The use of solutions of hydrogen peroxide of different concentrations, namely 1%, 17%, 35%, for cleaning the stone vazon surface from the pediment of the main entrance of the church of St. Nicholas in the village of. Vizhnyans of Zolochiv district of Lviv region. Determination of the concentration of the solution of hydrogen peroxide was carried out by permanganametometric titration in acidic medium. Solutions of hydrogen peroxide concentration of 17% and 35% were diluted during titration to a concentration of 0.3 mol / liter. During processing, a solution of hydrogen peroxide of different concentrations was applied to the surface of a stone vase by a brush. At the same time there was a schedule with the release of molecular oxygen and water, which caused the loosening of contaminants. After brushing, the contamination was removed from the surface of the vase. Surface treatment was carried out several times. It has been found that the most effective for purification is a solution of 35% hydrogen peroxide, which with the maximum efficiency laced pollution, weakening their links with the base and ensuring their complete removal by mechanical action from the surface of the stone. The solution of hydrogen peroxide of 17% concentration also showed a similar effect, but the purifying the effect was much weaker, and 1% solution of peroxide did not provide cleaning of the surface of the stone from contamination. Contamination contained on the surface of architectural monuments, made of stone, usually contain microscopic living organisms. According to literature data and experiments carried out, the most probable catalyst for decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on the surface of a stone is the enzyme catalase contained in microorganisms present in organic contaminants. Catalase is widespread in various microorganisms. Under normal physiological conditions, it regulates the content of hydrogen peroxide in the body, prevents its toxic effects, plays an important role in the process of aging. During the processing of aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide, monuments of stone architecture, it is possible to interact with microorganisms contained in contaminants, while the catalase, the enzyme included in their composition, accelerates the course of the reaction of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. 

Also, initiating a decomposition of hydrogen peroxide can be valence variable metal salts, such as iron ions that can be present on the surface of architectural monuments made of stone. The use of solutions of hydrogen peroxide also provided an antiseptic surface treatment

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