The development of medical institutions in the second half of the 19th century - in the early 20th century relied on progressive ideas in health care, incl. the new assessment of the usage of the landscape environment for therapeutic purposes. The implementation of these ideas was linked to the extensive development of cities and relied on the urban ideas of "villas in the park" and "garden city". The newly established medical complexes of the psychiatric profile of regional status were distinguished by their scale, and their creators were outstanding architects of the time.
Hospitals were built on the basis of geometric plans, with a clearly determined main axis and important objects such as medical buildings, administration buildings, auxiliary buildings, dwellings, chapel. Separate medical buildings were surrounded by gardens, pedestrian walkways and hedges. There were cemeteries at the edge of the compositional laying. Elements of both regular and landscape site planning and a wide dendrological planting range are observed in the park for general use.
At the first stage of construction of the hospital at Kulparkiv, 1868-1876. - a large building, 140 m long, is erected. The plan is a complex structure with three courtyards and corridor planning system (architect Adolf Kuhn). The large inner chapel (architect Gustaw Bisanz) is the building's most prominent accent. The building is supplemented by a natural-style expansive park designed by botanist, professor at the University of Lviv, Karl Bauer.
The second stage of construction of the hospital in Kulparkiv - six separate medical pavilions, intended for patients who are being cured, were built in a circle. Among the architects mentioned are Adolf Kamieniobrocki, Alfred Zachariewicz and Tadeusz Obmiński, landscape architect of the second stage of the hospital construction, was the chief gardener of Lviv Arnold Röring.
A study by the Lviv Regional Psychiatric Hospital showed that it occupies a number of prominent architectural sites, and the territory of the hospital should be considered as a complex of considerable historical, cultural and environmental value and deserving of its status as a monument of architecture and urban development.
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