The article analyzes the development and influences on the formation of film studio architecture. The article reveals to what extent and how the architecture of film studios has changed and what influenced it. The work aims to study and analyze the development and factors of influence on the evolution of the architecture of film studios. The tasks include identifying the periods of formation of architecture, characterizing these periods, and investigating the factors influencing them.
Among the main conclusions is that it is appropriate to focus on the third stage of development of the architecture of studio buildings. Each period has its peculiarity of architecture. I = 1 building 1 function, II = spaciousness, III = optimization, avoidance of large squares. From the early stages to the present day, technological factors have the greatest influence. Indeed, with the development of technology (the emergence of sound, colour, etc.), architecture became spatial (the number of necessary pavilions, workshops), and the development of computer technology and graphics led to the development of research without filming pavilions and workshops.
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