: 1-9
Post-Graduate student of the Department of Architecture and Conservation Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article analyzes the principles of placing the hotel building on the site, the main and auxiliary blocks; the definition of the main functional zones, representative zone, parking zones, sports and recreation zones; the solution of pedestrian-transport communications on the site: entrance/exit of special transport, parking ground and underground parking, pedestrian communication schemes; landscaping of external and internal spaces: special plantings, lawns, flower beds, rock gardens, noise protection and visual contemplation zones.

The main types of hotel complexes in Morocco are identified: hotel complexes with a centralized layout, hotel complexes with a block layout, hotel complexes with a podium layout, hotel complexes with a simplified layout, hotel complexes with a compact layout, hotel complexes with a complicated layout, hotel complexes with an atrium layout.

Modern hotel complexes are designed to create comfortable living conditions for the guest and provide a range of additional services. This turns hotels into semi-functional structures that combine different types of functional premises in one building, namely: residential, administrative, public premises, engineering and utility rooms.

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