: 122-131
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The problem of research and preservation of architectural heritage is more relevant than ever in Ukraine today. This problem is exacerbated under the influence of modern unstable socio-political processes and possible risks associated with the threat of military aggression from the Russian Federation. Therefore, the historical site of the city of Lviv, the oldest part of which is included in the UNESCO world heritage, needs increased attention and security measures from the authorities, the public and the scientific community. Door and window fillings need special protection, as the materials they are made of, namely wood, metal and glass, are short-lived, which emphasizes the relevance of this research.
The Secession period in the art and architecture of Lviv was studied by many scientists, architects and art critics, among whom Yuriy Biryulyov is considered the main researcher in this topic.
The purpose of the study is to determine the stylistic features of the solution of the entrance wooden doors in residential buildings built in the period between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. in Lviv. The study of the stylistic features of the gates was carried out using the methods of compositional analysis (Idak, 2011), which included, in particular, the analysis of the compositional scheme of the doors (grid of axes: first, second and third order), analysis of the placement and shape of light openings (slit openings), analysis of placement, the configuration and nature of the decorative elements that decorate the door, as well as the analysis of the ratio of the proportions of the main elements of the door to the human scale. After that, the study conducted a comparative analysis of the selected doors, on the basis of which common and distinctive characteristics were determined. Based on this, as well as based on the works of researchers of Lviv architecture, the characteristic features of the Secession style were formulated, which were used by craftsmen on Lviv gates made of wood in the Kin period. 19-beginning 20th century.

Kazantseva, T. and Ponkalo S. (2014). Classification of facade decoration of secession buildings built by I. Levynsky company in Lviv. Space & Form, 21, 171-182.

Bevs, M., Biryulyov, Yu. (Ed.), Bohdanova, Yu., Didyk, V., Ivanochko, U., Klymeniuk, T... Cherkes, B. (2008). Architecture of Lviv: Time and styles. XIII-XXI centuries. Lviv: Tsentr Yevropy.

Biriulov. Yu.O. (2010). Zakharevychi: creators of capital Lviv. Lviv: Tsentr Yevropy.

Biriulov, Yu.O. (2005). Art of the Lviv Secession. Lviv: Tsentr Yevropy.

Hleichmann, I. i Boryk, M. (2013). Creating the future together: cooperation with Germany in the field of sustainable development of Ukrainian cities. Mistseve samovriaduvannia ta rehionalnyi rozvytok v Ukraini, 1, 24-26.

Enhel, M. (Red.), Yunhhans, K., Onyshchenko, L. (Red.), Skolozdra, V., Shpoler, T., Voitova, L. (Red.) … Petrash, Yu. (Red.). (2011). Directory of city planning. Rules of behavior in the historical environment. Lviv: Lviv City Council.

Idak, Yu.V., Petryshyn, H.P. (Red.). (2011). Compositional aspects of the formation of the front of the Lviv neighborhood building (late 18th - early 20th centuries). Lviv: Rastr.

Melnyk, I. (2008). Lviv streets and tenements, walls, nooks and crannies, suburbs and other features of the royal capital city of Galicia. Lviv: Tsentr Yevropy.

Ponkalo, S.I. (2016). Portals of secessionist buildings in Lviv: stylistics, composition, conservation problems. Suchasni problemy arkhitektury ta mistobuduvannia, 42, 92-102.

Decision of Lviv City Council № 129 from 21.02.2020 « On the approval of the co-financing program in 2020-2023 for the repair of window and door fillings of residential buildings located on the territory of the historical area of the city of Lviv». [online] Lvivska miska rada. Access: https://www8.city-adm.lviv.ua/pool/info/doclmr_1.nsf/(SearchForWeb)/C02DED2E0F5E5E49C22585150045736B?OpenDocument [Date of access: 12 July 2022].

Timofienko, V. I. (1999). Ukrainian architects of the late 18th and early 20th centuries. Kyiv: NDITIAM.